Monday, June 22, 2009

Getting to Know You. Getting to Know All About You.

After the first week at the program, I knew about 8 people. After the second week, I knew around 30. What most likely worked the best, was the co op team building at the Camp Carol Joy Holling. It is not only physically challenging (the rock wall, the rope climbing) but also mentally, and socially.

Seeing my Native American Studies professor Cathi Warren hugging a pole fifty feet in the air, this was after our first test of course, was somewhat scary, and somewhat inspiring. Afterwards, I saw many other girls attempting to make it across the final challenge (blue swings, with nothing but air for fifty feet down underneath)and either fall, or scream in terror...several times. We had to work together to get them to believe they could finish this, and realize what they can accomplish. I encouraged, I talked to them, I even reminded them of the little engine that could! They would not let me forget that when I was up there.

Taking the first step is scary, not taking that step at all is terrifying. The worst way to lose is to give up, and I was not going to let that happen. Sometimes all you can do is take a deep breath, close your eyes, and jump.

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